After an aborted trip to see the consultant two weeks ago (tuned up only to discover he had been called away) we finally saw him last Tuesday.
The good news is the bone has now connected and begun to knit and fill in the gap. I am now booked to return on 8th December and if all is going well then, they will start undoing the tension on the frame to transfer some of the weight through the new bone rather than the frame.
If that goes to plan then normally the frame is removed a month later!
Given some of the stories I have heard from others with ilizarov frames, this has gone very well. We were told at the outset that it would be 4mths at the very least but typically 6mths – 1 year so if it comes off in January it will be a shade under 6mths.
I’ve also made some huge improvements at home, I’ve thrown away the crutches and can now get around using a walking stick. I can walk without but it is there as a backup as balance is an issue with a heavy frame on one leg and it locked straight.
So that was great news, my wife and I returned home with huge smiles on our faces at the good news!
Any chance of me linking this to my blogsite pls?
Ardvaark is a seriously talented tekkie in his own right.
Kind Regards
Link away