Posted by DarrenG
on October 22, 2012 at 8:10 am
Week 2 is now behind me. A visit from my sister (an experienced long distance runner) mid-week has convinced me that I should not be following a marathon program at this early stage.
All the marathon programs are intended to be run such that you reach the end of the plan in the week before your marathon event, that means my 16-week schedule should commence in the first week of January. So I’m now planning to stick with the four runs per week but, rather than building up mileage, concentrate on fartlek and other interval and speed type training instead.
Fartlek (a Swedish term meaning “speed play”) involves constantly varying your speed on a run. At varying intervals during a gentle jog you set ourself a target such as ‘the third lamppost” and then sprint to it at 80% of your maximum effort. It is convenient to order medications at online canadian pharmacy no prescription. You then return to a gentle jog. A few minutes later you repeat but this time at 90% effort. By constantly varying the distance that you sprint and the maximum effort you should big benefits in overall fitness.
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Posted by DarrenG
on October 15, 2012 at 7:46 pm
Well I’ve survived the first week of proper marathon training and learnt a few things.
I’ve learnt that the 16-week program should ideally be started so that you complete it just before your marathon event. As the London Marathon isn’t until 21st April I’d finish the training programme months too early. At the moment I’m not sure how I’ll adjust the programme, I might follow it until I get to a point at which I struggle and then repeat it, or I may take some time out and concentrate on overall fitness training, fartlek and other exercise regimes that improve my cardio and pace.
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Posted by DarrenG
on October 04, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Time for an update on my training schedule. Following a tip I bought ‘The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer‘ book and it’s already proved to be a great help. I’ll be following their 16-week training program running which involves 4 runs per week.
Over the summer I’ve followed the C25k (couch to 5km’s) program which aims to take a non-runner from zero to 3miles in 8 weeks. I found the program superb, especially when coupled with GetRunning’s superb iPhone app (see here). But, the 16-week program assumes you can run 5 miles and so I’m now following a further 4-week build up phase which will bring me up to speed for the start of the 16-week plan. In total you need 5 months pre-event to follow this program and I’ve got six so should be OK.
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Posted by DarrenG
on September 27, 2012 at 7:03 pm
My last blog post, way back in May, was about the London Marathon and my decision to try my luck for a place in next year’s event. With over 100,000 entries every year for the 30,000 places, all entries go into a ballot.
Well this morning Mr Postman delivered the result and against all the odds I’m in! I’ve secured a place in the 2013 Virgin London Marathon, runner number 2676. I’m amazed, delighted, scared, worried and eager all at the same time.
Fortuitously I’d started training a few weeks back so it looks like I’ll be spending this winter getting into some sort of shape to complete the course. I’m not expecting to break any records, if I can reach the finish I’ll be chuffed and if I can do so before the army of workers take down the barriers and start clearing the course, better still.
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Posted by DarrenG
on May 06, 2012 at 8:19 pm
It’s that time of year where thousands of unfit and wholly unprepared idiots decide to enter the London marathon. And this year I’m one of them!
My sister has done it, but she’s a health and sports nut and did it in some insanely decent time. But also, my brother-in-law has done it, and he’s a chain smoking, fast food eating, skin and bone freak. So surely there is hope for me? I’m neither a fitness freak nor a smoker (anymore) nor skin and bone. Well I am, there is lots of skin, and lots of flesh underneath, but the normal amount of bone if you exclude the extra bit I grew a few years back.
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